This is me Fredy Clue
I would love to hear what you love to do, give me a call or send me an email!
My other name is Fredy Samuel Lundh and I love
music, people, art, meditation, the ocean, the woods
and I am happily redecorating norms so we can live life more joyful.
What makes life good for you?
For me it is working with people, becoming friends and seeing them as they are, wherever they are, and inspiring them to be the best person for themselves and others.
To be able to do that I work a lot with myself and my ability to give as much I can to others and still have energy left for myself. What I have experienced is that when I am true to myself I can spread so much more good vibes and inspiration around me.
Want to hear more about it? Give me a call, or keep scrolling:

So as you can see I love this instrument called Nyckelharpa
A typical instrument in the Swedish folk music scene where I am active
Have a listen:

My Biggest Inspirations
My most transformative year was 2021, the year Fredy Clue came to be. When I look back on how I was able to acknowledge my inner Fredy and how I found the strength to embody them, it is clear that I came across some really important people and experiences in the most crucial times:
Ingrid Brännström - wonderful performer and voice/singing teacher
Mia Marin - my dear instrument teacher and amazing musician
Fredy Samuel Lundh - a lovely part of myself